Another Child Encounters 'The Dragon'

Dear AA,

IÆm new at this and would like some help/advice!

Let me start by giving a little background information: I am 32, wife 26, son 3 ╜, and new daughter 6 weeks old. My wife and I are open minded and logical. We have never doubted the existence of E.T.s. It would be arrogant to think that our planet is the only place in the vast universe that can sustain intelligent life. I just never thought that my family would be involved with any contact. I have always been interested with UFOs, great pyramids, etc. To my knowledge, my wife and I have never had any type of abduction experience.

My son appears to be a typical 3 ╜ year old. I do my best to not let him watch violent or scary programs on TV. Last week I was watching a documentary on UFOs and my son came into the room. When he saw a picture of the typical "Grey" he started acting strange. He asked for his mother to hold him and said "DonÆt let the bad guys get me." We started asking him questions. Keep in mind that at his age he has a limited vocabulary and it is sometimes difficult to understand what he is talking about. It is also difficult to tell the difference between his imagination and memory. When we asked questions, he started talking about things that, well, I just donÆt know where he could have gotten the ideas from. Things like, "They come to see me and I hide under the covers; They come when its dark; They take me to the tunnel in the grass; They take me through the window; We go in the pirate ship and go round and round fast up in the sky and I see all the farms where the cows are."

I waited a few days to let him forget. A few days later we were outside in the yard and he started shooting up in the air with a toy gun. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Shooting the bad airplane." I didnÆt see an airplane and asked him where it was. He said "The airplane at night when they come see me and take me to the tunnel." I asked him if he knew where the tunnel was. He said "Yes, IÆll show you." We started walking to the end of the yard and up the street - farther than he has ever been before. He was very adamant that he knew where it was and wanted to show me. We went back to the house and got into the car. We drove around for a while and he started getting confused. It was obvious that it was very clear to him but he just couldnÆt lead me to it.

When we got back I asked him more questions. I wanted to get some answers, but I didnÆt want to make to big of a deal out of the situation. I asked him who the guys where that take him to the tunnel. He said "The bugs like on TV." I asked him if they where good or bad and what they did in the tunnel. He said that they were the good guys and they would hold him and kiss him and he liked them. I asked what he was scared of and he said "The dragon in the tunnel." When I asked why he didnÆt like the dragon he said " Because he is mean and hurts my neck, he hurts my back." And started reaching for the back of his neck.

IÆm not sure how much of this is imagination, but on thing is for sure, there is something that he is afraid of. He knows what it is and I donÆt. IÆve never heard him talk this way before and I donÆt know where he could be getting it from.

HereÆs the bottom line: I donÆt know if the things he talked about are real or imaginary, but if it is real what should I do? I mean, I donÆt know if its a good thing or a bad thing. And if its a bad thing, what can I do. All I know is I want to protect my family and IÆm not sure what to do next.

Consider these things real, and listen carefully to your son. He KNOWS the truth of what's actually happening to him and is trying desperately to communicate his experiences to you.

Whether it's a "good thing" or a "bad thing" is a matter of subjective interpretation. Fear and lack of understanding the phenomena tend to make most people deathly afraid for themselves and for their children. But research that goes beyond the victimization of "abduction" tends to put an entirely different spin on these encounters.

Whether it is "good" or "bad" in your judgment, it never-the-less still is and there is absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it. As crazy as it sounds, we are literally undergoing a transformation process of which we have absolutely no control. I would recommend reading "The Omega Project" by Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. for further information. Also read all of the in-depth feature articles on this page.

Whatever you do, try not to let your preconceptions influence your son. Instead, learn from him. He knows more than you do. He can remember his experiences whereas you and your wife cannot. -- Editor